All are welcome to join us as we remember and reflect on the last week of Jesus’ life, from Palm Sunday until Good Friday. Our week culminates with the joy and celebration of Easter Day.  Many of our services at Henfield will be live streamed at .  

Palm Sunday 24th March

8.30am | Holy Communion (BCP) and 

9.45am | The Eucharist for Palm Sunday (includes the reading of the Passion) at St. Peter’s, Henfield. We begin in the Churchyard at 9.40am where we meet the donkey!

11.15am | Choral Morning Prayer (BCP) at St.Peters Woodmancote

Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March

7.30pm | Compline (night prayer) and reflection on  the final stages of Jesus’ journey to the cross, at St. Peter’s, Henfield. 

Wednesday 27th March 

7.30pm | Tenebrae (a service of readings, psalms and hymns for Holy Week) at St. Peter’s Woodmancote. 

Maundy Thursday 28th March 

  7.30pm | Holy Communion of the Last Supper followed by the watch vigil in the Parham Chapel and 

       11pm | Compline at St. Peter’s Henfield. 

Good Friday 29th March

9.45am | Good Friday Morning Service for everyone and 

11.00am | Walk of witness – meet at Corpus Christi,  and 

2pm | The Liturgy of Good Friday at St.Peter’s Henfield

Easter Day 31st March 

8.30am |  Holy Communion (BCP) and 
9.45am | The Eucharist for Easter Day at St.Peter’s Henfield