Henfield with Shermanbury and Woodmancote Parish Magazine.

Another way to stay in touch with what is happening in our churches, and our villages,  is to subscribe to our parish magazine, which has been published since 1887. Through a dedicated team of volunteers, it is produced for, and distributed to, residents of all the villages in the parish.

The magazine continues to be produced monthly with a cover price of 80p. (2023 price)   Most are purchased by an annual subscription and home delivered through a network of distributors, each having responsibility for a road or area. It is also sold by various shops in and around Henfield, as well as in the Parish Council office.

The magazine has a  good balance between editorial and advertising,  and  carries regular reports and news from St Peter’s CE School, Henfield’s local historian, the Sussex Wildlife Trust, village organisations, clubs, local charities and topical ethical issues and other general community news are also included when space permits.  There is also information and contributions from the other churches in Henfield (The Evangelical Free Church and Corpus Christi Catholic Church) too .

In June 2019 the magazine won the category for layout and design at the National Church Magazine awards in London, a wonderful follow up to the  2014 award for ‘Appeal to a Wider Community’ so it can now justifiably claim to be one of the best church magazines in Britain!

If you would like to subscribe to the magazine please contact  (for delivery) Diana Halsey: 01273 757834 or Judith Allpress: 01273 494263  or (for Postal delivery ) Peggy Barrow : 01273 495854

For items to be published (copy deadline  first Tuesday of the previous month) please contact the editor, Helen Boosey via the editorial email address copy@henfield.org, on 07794 099217 or through the  Parish/Church Office:  01273 495532.  For advertising please also contact Helen Boosey on 07794 099217 or via email: adverts@henfield.org