Losing someone we love is one of the hardest things we have to face. When someone close dies, the world can seem a lonely and empty place. At times like this it can help to talk things over with someone who will listen without judging or telling you what to do. St. Peter’s, Henfield Bereavement Support is an informal drop in group that is there to give people time to talk and to share their experiences, both the difficult and the good, in a confidential and relaxed environment. The group meets monthly on the 1st Thursday of each month at 3.30pm in the cafe at The Haven in Hewitts. For more information please contact the Church Office on 01273 495532, leave a message and one of our volunteers will get back to you.
Alternatively email the Church Office and your details will be forwarded to a volunteer who will contact you.
For details of other resources to support you in your bereavement please click the logo below to visit the ‘At a loss’ website.